For immediate help at any time, please call us on 03300 564456 (24 hour)
Our Horizon sexual violence services offer support across Torfaen, Monmouthshire, Newport, Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly to anyone who has experienced rape, sexual violence or childhood sexual abuse.
Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
For 80% of the people we work with, their abuse started in childhood. We understand the barriers individuals face when disclosing such traumatic events.
Intimate Partner Sexual Violence
We have been supporting victims/survivors of intimate partner sexual violence for 40 years. We recognise that all abuse thrives on secrecy and that threats and bribes are often used to maintain compliance.
Support for Family and Friends
The after effects of sexual violence can be felt by not just the survivor, but by their partner, family members and friends. We offer support and promote understanding of the impact of sexual violence and abuse.
Sexual and Financial Exploitation
We aim to ensure our services are people-centred and survivor-led by asking, listening and responding to the concerns and needs of people at risk of, or experiencing, sexual or financial exploitation.
Find out more about our Horizon sexual violence services
The Ar Trac project is funded by Welsh Government Sustainable Social Services Third Sector Grant for 2020 to 2023 and is the first project of its kind in Wales, bringing together five specialist domestic abuse agencies to provide a consortium-led approach to supporting children and young people.
The Gwent Helping End Homelessness Project: BOOST (Building On Our Strengths Together) is a five year project supported by the National Lottery Community fund.
Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, the Assertive Outreach project operates across Gwent to respond to victims of domestic abuse at the point of crisis and to offer support at the earliest opportunity.