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Funded by The National Lottery Community Fund’s People and Places Programme, Assertive Outreach is a Cyfannol Women’s Aid project, working in partnership with Gwent Police.
The project, which operates across Gwent, began in 2018, following a successful pilot which found that individuals experiencing domestic abuse engaged more with officers when a support worker was present.
Cyfannol Women’s Aid have developed the Assertive Outreach project to respond to victims of domestic abuse at the point of crisis and to offer support at the earliest opportunity.
Our support workers are based within police headquarters responding to domestic abuse call-outs, enabling a joint response to domestic abuse incidents: improving risk assessments, offering safety planning and advice, and providing advocacy.
The Assertive Outreach team provide immediate support to victims of domestic abuse at the time of a domestic abuse incident. Working alongside Gwent Police, the team supports victims of domestic abuse across Gwent when they make an initial report to the police.
Our Assertive Outreach support workers:
Assertive Outreach is the first project of its type in Wales.
In the first year of the project, the Assertive Outreach team supported 410 victims of domestic abuse. All of these clients were referred onto support services in their area and 294 gave statements to the police about the abuse they had experienced.
In the First 3 Years of the Assertive Outreach Project:
Feedback from the police has been overwhelmingly positive, with one officer commenting:
“There are times in policing where you need a lifeline to deal with incidents which need that experience, knowledge and skill to understand what is taking place and ability to give that victim a focussed service we strive to provide. The Assertive Outreach team is exactly that – I always know the victim is going to be looked after by the team.”
For more information about this project and how to make a referral, please visit the Assertive Outreach service page
Gwent-wide support services for anyone who has experienced rape, sexual violence or childhood abuse at any time in their life.
The Ar Trac project is funded by Welsh Government Sustainable Social Services Third Sector Grant for 2020 to 2023 and is the first project of its kind in Wales, bringing together five specialist domestic abuse agencies to provide a consortium-led approach to supporting children and young people.
The Gwent Helping End Homelessness Project: BOOST (Building On Our Strengths Together) is a five year project supported by the National Lottery Community fund.