For immediate help at any time, please call us on 03300 564456 (24 hour)
The Ar Trac project is funded by Welsh Government Sustainable Social Services Third Sector Grant for 2020 to 2023 and is the first project of its kind in Wales, bringing together five specialist domestic abuse agencies to provide a consortium-led approach to supporting children and young people.
Ar Trac supports children and young people aged 5-16, who have experienced or witnessed domestic abuse and who are exhibiting difficulties with their family and peer relationships.
Difficulties can be wide ranging and pervasive; by addressing them and building upon strengths within childhood, Ar Trac aims to minimise the impact of the adverse childhood experiences associated with domestic abuse and improve life-long well-being.
The project brings together a range of interventions, co-produced by Ar Trac staff and with children and young people:
Ar Trac’s suite of age-appropriate services can be tailored based on the individual needs and strengths of the child and their family.
Throughout the project, children and young people are empowered to:
Ar Trac aims to ensure children and young people can go on to:
Direct support is provided by these specialist support organisations, each of whom have extensive experience and an in-depth understanding of the needs of children and young people affected by domestic violence.
To refer into an Ar Trac programme, make an enquiry, or find out more, call us on 03300 564456 or e-mail
Gwent-wide support services for anyone who has experienced rape, sexual violence or childhood abuse at any time in their life.
The Gwent Helping End Homelessness Project: BOOST (Building On Our Strengths Together) is a five year project supported by the National Lottery Community fund.
Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, the Assertive Outreach project operates across Gwent to respond to victims of domestic abuse at the point of crisis and to offer support at the earliest opportunity.