For immediate help at any time, please call us on 03300 564456 (24 hour)
We offer group work for children aged 7-11 and their non-abusive caregivers, aimed at improving communication after domestic violence has ended.
“Safety, Trust and Respect” is a project developed by Welsh Women’s Aid, working with young children who have witnessed domestic abuse.
Delivered in Monmouthshire and Torfaen, the STAR Programme aims to reduce the potential for children to develop aggressive behaviour by facilitating better communication between children aged 7-11 and their non-abusive parent/carer, while supporting parents/carers to understand how the abuse has affected their child and how to support their child to feel safe.
These outcomes are achieved by delivering two parallel groups over 10 weeks: one for up to eight children; and the other for their parent/carer.
Strengthening the Child-Parent Bond is a 7-8 week Ar Trac programme for children and young people aged 7-11 years in Blaenau Gwent and Newport.
Sessions are designed for children and parents/caregivers where the child has experienced or witnessed domestic abuse and are experiencing difficulties with their family and peer relationships.
feel safe
express their feelings in a healthy way
understand that the abuse was not their fault
learn how to communicate more positively with their non-abusive parent/carer
To refer into one of these services, make an enquiry or find out more, call us on 03300 564456 or e-mail your local office: