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Viva-Fest: A festival for people with learning disabilities

in Awareness Raising Share this
Our awareness raiser at Viva-Fest with LLais

This week, our awareness raiser Zoe attended Viva-Fest: a festival for people with learning disabilities and wanted to share how it went.

“It was a great day and the rain didn’t stop us listening and engaging at Viva-Fest, I chatted with lots of people about our Transform Toolkit resource and received lots of positive feedback. I listened to barriers people with learning difficulties faced when accessing services and linked in with All Wales People First who ensure people with learning difficulties can access self-advocacy support to voice choice and control, understand theeir rights, and move towards greater independence and increased quality of life which the choose for themselves.

“It was also great to chat with LLais, representing the people of Wales to shape health and social care services – along with Adult Community Education and Aneurin Bevan Health Board, it was a day for people with learning disabilities to shine. Caerphilly Peoples First delivered a fab Healthy Relationships course with plenty of interaction!

“I also had a really interesting chat around colour ratios and disability, learning how leaflets and forms are developed for them to understand better and what puts them off attempting forms and reading leaflets.

“It wasn’t all talking though – we enjoyed storytelling, music, art and crafts, bubbles, talks, African drumming, face paints and having our portraits drawn!

Thankyou Viva-Fest!”

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