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Introducing Horizon

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Cyfannol Women’s Aid is relaunching its specialist sexual violence services this year, under the new name, Horizon.

Our Horizon sexual violence support services are available to anyone in Gwent who has experienced
rape, sexual violence or childhood abuse at any time in their life. We offer advocacy, tenancy support,
easy access to sexual health professionals, counselling and group work, with many clients accessing
multiple services. As an organisation committed to supporting women who have experienced any form of VAWDASV, we also offer spaces in our women’s refuges for survivors of sexual violence.

Cyfannol Women’s Aid began delivering sexual violence support services separate to domestic abuse services in Monmouthshire, Newport and Torfaen six years ago, building on our expertise in working with survivors of intimate partner sexual violence. As Sally Howells, Horizon Services Manager, explains: “For many of the individuals we work with now, their abuse started in childhood. We understand the barriers people face when disclosing such traumatic events and hope to reach a wider audience through Horizon, empowering survivors, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity or sexuality.”

Thanks to funding from the Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner and Henry Smith Charity, we are currently supporting more than 100 survivors through our sexual violence services. The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, said: “I am delighted to fund and support this project which aims to make a positive difference to the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. Providing excellent support for all victims of crime is one of the priorities in my Police and Crime Plan for Gwent. By working together with our partners, we can have a significant impact on the things that matter most to our communities.”

Referrals are being taken into the Horizon service now (from agencies, as well as self-referrals) and we have some exciting developments in the pipeline, including a new interactive website. Cyfannol is also the first organisation in Gwent to be delivering the Sexual Violence Recovery Toolkit.

If you would like to make a referral, please get in touch with Sally Howells: We accept referrals from agencies, as well as self-referrals.

Our Horizon Services

Independent Sexual Violence Advisors

Our ISVAs listen to survivors and respond to their needs, assisting them to gain support from other agencies as appropriate. ISVAs provide information about the legal process and rights, supporting individuals who decide to make a report to the police in all stages of the legal process. Our ISVA service is available whether the client chooses to report or not.

Sexual Violence Counselling

Specialist sexual violence Counselling is available for adults in confidential community spaces across Gwent.

The Sexual Violence Recovery Toolkit Programme

A 12-week programme that helps survivors, who are in a position to take part in a group, come to terms with their experiences and develop positive lifestyle and coping strategies.

Further information:

Please download the full Horizon press release, visit the Horizon services page or contact us for further information.

The post Introducing Horizon appeared first on cyfannol.

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