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Young Cyfannol Fundraiser Recognised as Local Hero

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As part of filming for BBC Weatherman Walking’s next series, Derek Brockway surprised one of our young fundraisers, Noah, last month with a local hero award. Members of our team joined Noah’s friends and family, as we all gathered at the Chepstow riverside to celebrate Noah and reflect on his inspirational fundraising journey.  Noah has been supporting Cyfannol, amongst other charities, for seven years now, having started collecting donations for us when he was just 10 years old. Despite being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour, Noah has continued and expanded his fundraising efforts, holding firmly to his belief that “all it takes is one small gesture to make someone smile.” You can read more about Noah’s fundraising below. The episode of Weatherman Walking featuring Noah will be broadcast on the BBC early next year.

All it takes is one small gesture to make someone smile. It doesn’t have to be a massive thing to show you care. I will continue trying to make a difference. I am amazed at how much support I have always received. I believe it’s because everyone really wants to warm someone else’s heart.

About Noah:

Noah first began collecting Easter eggs for us in 2017. After becoming concerned about people who faced homelessness, Noah was determined to make a difference and so his Make Someone Smile campaign was born. Noah, who lives in Chepstow, is well known in the area for his fundraising efforts. In 2019 he was named the ‘Achiever of the year’ at the South Wales Argus Pride of Gwent Awards, and earlier this year he received the Young Fundraiser award at the Child of Wales Awards.

Noah has also supported charities including Bullies Out, Serennu Centre, Cancer Research, the Multiple Sclerosis Society, and the Childhood Tumour Trust. Even the pandemic didn’t stop him – in 2020, he collected more than 1000 easter eggs and managed to get them to Cyfannol and Llamau just before the first national lockdown. He has also arranged collections locally at Christmas – the most recent one filled an entire car!

Noah, who suffers from a condition called neurofibromatosis, was diagnosed with an inoperable tumour at the core of his brain in 2021. Despite this, Noah continues to run his Make Someone Smile appeal again for us, collecting an incredible 400 eggs earlier this year for the families we support.

We are so inspired by Noah and so grateful for his ongoing support. Both our staff and the children we support have been blown away by his commitment to helping others and children from our refuges have shown their appreciation by making him cards and painting special rocks for him.

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